
SleepDream™ padi

(72 arvustused)


Kontuuriga ergonoomiline disain toetab teie pead, kaela ja õlgu, pakkudes lohutavat terapeutilist tuge.

Magage mugavalt ja toetades
Täidetud täiusliku mäluvahu ja mikrokiu seguga, et tagada maksimaalne tugi.

Aitab leevendada valusid
Lofty hoiab õrnalt teie pead, kaela ja õlad ning teeb nende kontuurid.

Ole rahulik
Hingav kate tagab jahedama ja mugavama ööune.

Sisestage kood:5 VÄLJAS päästma 5%.
Saab kasutada ainult enne 2025-02-28
Minimaalne nõutav kulutus: $9.90
Tootekood: SleepDreamPillow-1 Kategooria: Sildid: ,

Teie parim puhkus algab selle padjaga

See une uuendus SleepDream padi on loodud selleks, et hoida teie pea ja kael loomulikult joondatud, et tagada mugav ööuni. Samuti võimaldab see väsinud lihastel magades lõõgastuda ja noorendada!

une unenägude padi

Teadus SleepDream™ padja taga

Kujutage ette, et magate "Apple” patjadest.

The SleepDream™ padi on uusim padja avastus teaduses. Tipptehnoloogia ja uneekspertide abiga oleme lõpuks välja töötanud padja, mis tagab täiusliku uneasendi kõikides magamisasendites.

SleepDream™ padi tolline Ecoden on täpselt vormitud, et maksimeerida iga magamisasendi eeliseid, et saaksite lõpuks oma unest maksimumi võtta.

SleepDream padjad
SleepDream padi

Teaduslikult välja töötatud, et hoida teie kael õigesti oma loomulikus kõveras asendis kogu teie une ajal.

Meie kaela loomulikku kõverust rikub iga päev kehv kehahoiak nii päeval kui öösel. Nüüd saate oma kaela nooruse taastada, lihtsalt magades puhtalt mugavalt. Null pingutust! Ecodeni oma 70° kiilupikendus võimaldab teie kaelal ja ümbritsevatel lihastel kohaneda täiusliku kaela joondusega 8 tundi igal õhtul

Miks teile SleepDreamPillow meeldib?

Ükskõik, kas teil on kaelavalu või otsite lihtsalt mugavat patja, mis on saadaval taskukohase hinnaga – SleepDreamPillow mäluvahust padi on teie jaoks sobiv valik!

Sellel padjal on strateegiline ergonoomiline disain, mis aitab toetada ja lohutada teie pead, kaela ja õlgu. See padi on spetsiaalselt loodud selleks, et aidata teil igal õhtul katkematusse unne.

Tänu mäluvahule ei kaota see padi oma vormi! Võite loota, et see pakub tundide kaupa tuge – seda kõike ajal, mil teadlased mõistavad paremini kui kunagi varem hea une tähtsust.

Hoidke hingamine sujuv
Magamiseks mõeldud jahutavad mäluvahust padjad toetavad hästi teie kaela. Kas sa oled naguide magaja, tagamagaja või kõhuga magaja, see võib hoia hingamine sujuvalt.

Uuendage 8-tunnist und
Pakub terapeutilist leevendust kõik magajad ja kaelavalu; sa ärkad tundega täielikult laetud ja valmis päeva vastu võtma.

SleepDream padi
SleepDream™ padi

Traditsioonilised padjad sunnivad teid lamama kas liiga tasaselt või veidra nurga all, pea ja kael on ebaloomulikus asendis.

Ja see põhjustab kaela- ja seljavalusid, peavalusid, õlavalusid, väsimust, degeneratiivset ketta-/liigesehaigust, happe refluksi, migreeni, uneapnoed, kõrvetisi, tuimust.

Me projekteerisime hoolikalt SleepDream padi saavad kasutada kõik, kes magavad külili hoidke oma kaela, pead ja selgroogu paralleelselt ja joondatud, aidates parandada vereringet ja leevendada survet nendele piirkondadele, mis võimaldab teil end iga päev tervena tunda. Unikaalne patenteeritud disain annab teile vajalikud eelised: see tundub pehme, mugav ja samal ajal säilitab oma kuju ettenähtud otstarbel hästi.

Kujutage ette, et elate päeva läbi piiritu energiaga, selle asemel, et tunda end kurnatuna… Kujutage ette, et teil on palju teravam vaimne fookus tänu paremini puhanud olemisele… Kujutage ette, et suudate magama jääda kohe, kui pea puudutab seda mugavat patja.

Meil on kiitvaid arvustusi

(ärge lihtsalt võtke meie sõna)
SleepDream™ padi


  • See aitab leevendada survet peal alaselg
  • Õiged asendid oma pead ja kaela, et saaksite korralikult magada ja ärka üles värskendatud.
  • Parandab teie rühti magamise ajal.
  • Kergesti puhastatav, hingav kate
  • Pakub Ishiase, kaela-, selja- ja puusavalu leevendamine öösel
  • Ergonoomilise kontuuriga disain hoiab teie kaela ja selgroo ideaalses asendis magamise ajal.
  • Vabastab tüve probleemsetes piirkondades ja soodustab vereringet.
  • Kvaliteetne padi = kvaliteetne uni

SleepDreami padja tehnilised andmed

Mõõtmine ja mõõtmed:

Väike: 12 x 20 tolli (30 x 50 cm)
Suur: 14 x 24 tolli (35 x 60 cm)

Mõlemal suurusel on sama pööning 4 tolli

Materjal: Polüester, puuvill, mäluvaht
Kaal: 1-3 naela ( 0,5-1 kg )

Sisestage kood:5 VÄLJAS päästma 5%.
Saab kasutada ainult enne 2025-02-28
Minimaalne nõutav kulutus: $9.90
sleep dream pillow 2021

SleepDream padja ülevaated

Customer reviews

Based on 72 reviews
1 2 ... 6
Kirsten D.
21. detsember 2020
Aitab vähendada minu kaelavalu
Mõned aastad tagasi sattusin autoõnnetusse, mis põhjustas tõsise piitsalööke. Läksin läbi füsioteraapia, kuid mul on ikka veel juhuslikke episoode kaela pa...More
Mõned aastad tagasi sattusin autoõnnetusse, mis põhjustas tõsise piitsalööke. Ma läbisin füsioteraapia, kuid mul on ikka veel juhuslikke kaelavalu episoode, mille raskusaste varieerub aastate jooksul. Hiljuti oli mul kõige tugevam kaelavalu ja kõik mu padjad süvendasid probleemi. Ostsin meeleheitest ergonoomilise kaelapadja. Ei olnud palju kommentaare, mida ma leidsin, ja ma olin veidi närvis, et see ei ole raha väärt. Mul on hea meel, et ostsin selle, sest see on mind väga palju aidanud. Ma kasutan ainult kehahoiakupoolt, sest norskamisvastane pool ei ole minu jaoks nii mugav. Mul kulus natuke aega, et harjuda vahuga, kuna olin varem kasutanud sünteetilist untasapatja ja purustatud mäluvahupatjaid. Padjaga kaasas olev kate on pehme ja kergesti pestav. Mulle meeldib, et see tõmbub ümber padja. Üldiselt olen oma ostuga väga rahul. Ma saan öö läbi magada ilma kaelavalu tõttu ärkamata.
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SleepDream™ Pillow fotoülevaade
Jana M.
19. detsember 2020
See on esimene padi, mis ei ole andnud mulle kaelavalu, kui ma ümber lülitusin!
Kas see on kasulik? 1 0
15. detsember 2020
Hea toetus.
Kui ma padja kätte sain, olin pettunud, et kaela jaoks mõeldud süvend ei olnud nii sügav kui fotol. Ma lootsin, et lõualuu on rohkem sup...More
Kui ma padja kätte sain, olin pettunud, et kaela jaoks mõeldud süvend ei olnud nii sügav kui fotol. Ma lootsin, et sirge seljaga magamisasendis oleks rohkem lõuatuge. Sellegipoolest annab see selles piirkonnas korralikku tuge ja mulle meeldib ka mõlemal küljel olev allasõit, mis võimaldab küljel magades õlgade alla minna. Imestan aga, miks on padi nii suur. Kui pea on padja esiservas hästi toetatud, siis tagumise serva juures on padi üleliigne. See jookseb vastu voodi pealauda. Võiks ju hõlpsasti ühe või kaks tolli vahtplasti maha võtta, raha kokku hoida ja asi paremini sobitada.
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Gerresa M.
1. detsember 2020
See padi aitab hoida teie kaela joondatuna
Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
13. november 2020
Parem öine uni ja mitte enam jäik kael
Kasutanud juba 7 päeva. Ma tunnen erinevusi. Ma olen 90% küljel magaja ja kannatasin õla- ja kaelavalude all. Proovisin seda padja ja ma s...More
Kasutanud juba 7 päeva. Ma tunnen erinevusi. Ma olen 90% küljel magaja ja kannatasin õla- ja kaelavalude all. Proovisin seda padja ja ma näen, kuidas see toetab mu kaela paremini. Pärast ühte päeva sellel padjal on mu kael palju parem ja ma võin öelda, et palju parem kaelaasend unes annab mulle parema kaelaasendi, kui ma ei maga. Mu kael ei tunne end nii pingul ega ole nii palju valu. See võtab natuke aega, et harjuda selle kujuga, aga kindlasti ei ärgata jäigana ja see on väärt!
Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
22. oktoober 2020
Tehke oma kaelale teene ja hankige see padi!!!!!
See on üsna erinev kogemus võrreldes minu külgmagamispadja kasutamisega. Tegelikult meeldib mulle, kuidas see mu pead toetab ja see on minu jaoks õige kõrgusega....More
See on üsna erinev kogemus võrreldes minu külgmagamispadja kasutamisega. Mulle tegelikult meeldib, kuidas see toetab mu pead ja see on õige kõrgus minu õlgadele, kui ma magan külili - ma olen pöörduja, kuid ma ei tunne palju kaela toetust. Ma käin edasi-tagasi, et loobuda oma padjast . ma arvan, et mulle peab see asi tõesti meeldima, sest ma kasutan seda jätkuvalt. Lol
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sherrie l. mcgee
21. september 2020
Aitas tema kaela- ta armastab seda
Kinkisin oma poiss-sõbrale, kes kaebab kaelavalude üle. Ta ütles, et esimene päev oli hea, välja arvatud see, et padi puudutas tema õlgu. Nädal hiljem oli tal shoulde...More
Kinkisin oma poiss-sõbrale, kes kaebab kaelavalude üle. Ta ütles, et esimene päev oli hea, välja arvatud see, et padi puudutas tema õlgu. Nädal hiljem olid tal õlad vastu padja ja ta armastab padja. Tema kael on palju parem!
Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
18. september 2020
Ostetud hinnangute põhjal ja ma olen külg- ja selili magaja. Ma ei ärgata valudega õlgades või kaelas. Olen selle padjaga rahul
Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
16. september 2020
Väga hea kasutus, mulle meeldib
Mul polnud kunagi head patja, mis oma kaela toetaks, kuni selle toote leidsin. Kas ergonoomika parandas mu und. See pehme kangas muutis mu naha mugavaks...More
Mul polnud kunagi head patja, mis oma kaela toetaks, kuni selle toote leidsin. Kas ergonoomika parandas mu und. See pehme kangas muutis mu naha mugavaks. Mul on selle üle väga hea meel. Raha väärtus
Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
19. juuli 2020
Eriti tihe põlvepadi
Väga mugav ja ei võta voodis palju ruumi. Armastan seda
Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
1. juuli 2020
Armastan seda! See padi on
Armastan seda! See padi on tõhus ja on parandanud mu üldist unekvaliteeti!
Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
Leedi B.
23. juuni 2020
valu kaelas – LÄBI
EI lasknud gaasi välja. Karbist välja võetud reljeef paindunud kaela jaoks. Suurepärane väärtus.
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1 2 ... 6
Mõõtmed -

(1x) Pillow, (1x) Pillow + Pillow Case, (2x) Couple Pack + Free Pillow Case, (3x) Family Pack + Free Pillow Case, (1x) Pillow Case


50x30CM, 60x35CM

72 arvustust tootele SleepDream™ Pillow

  1. Kirsten D.
    21. detsember 2020
    Aitab vähendada minu kaelavalu
    Mõned aastad tagasi sattusin autoõnnetusse, mis põhjustas tõsise piitsalööke. Läksin läbi füsioteraapia, kuid mul on ikka veel juhuslikke episoode kaela pa...More
    Mõned aastad tagasi sattusin autoõnnetusse, mis põhjustas tõsise piitsalööke. Ma läbisin füsioteraapia, kuid mul on ikka veel juhuslikke kaelavalu episoode, mille raskusaste varieerub aastate jooksul. Hiljuti oli mul kõige tugevam kaelavalu ja kõik mu padjad süvendasid probleemi. Ostsin meeleheitest ergonoomilise kaelapadja. Ei olnud palju kommentaare, mida ma leidsin, ja ma olin veidi närvis, et see ei ole raha väärt. Mul on hea meel, et ostsin selle, sest see on mind väga palju aidanud. Ma kasutan ainult kehahoiakupoolt, sest norskamisvastane pool ei ole minu jaoks nii mugav. Mul kulus natuke aega, et harjuda vahuga, kuna olin varem kasutanud sünteetilist untasapatja ja purustatud mäluvahupatjaid. Padjaga kaasas olev kate on pehme ja kergesti pestav. Mulle meeldib, et see tõmbub ümber padja. Üldiselt olen oma ostuga väga rahul. Ma saan öö läbi magada ilma kaelavalu tõttu ärkamata.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 1
    SleepDream™ Pillow fotoülevaade
    Jana M.
    19. detsember 2020
    See on esimene padi, mis ei ole andnud mulle kaelavalu, kui ma ümber lülitusin!
    Kas see on kasulik? 1 0
    15. detsember 2020
    Hea toetus.
    Kui ma padja kätte sain, olin pettunud, et kaela jaoks mõeldud süvend ei olnud nii sügav kui fotol. Ma lootsin, et lõualuu on rohkem sup...More
    Kui ma padja kätte sain, olin pettunud, et kaela jaoks mõeldud süvend ei olnud nii sügav kui fotol. Ma lootsin, et sirge seljaga magamisasendis oleks rohkem lõuatuge. Sellegipoolest annab see selles piirkonnas korralikku tuge ja mulle meeldib ka mõlemal küljel olev allasõit, mis võimaldab küljel magades õlgade alla minna. Imestan aga, miks on padi nii suur. Kui pea on padja esiservas hästi toetatud, siis tagumise serva juures on padi üleliigne. See jookseb vastu voodi pealauda. Võiks ju hõlpsasti ühe või kaks tolli vahtplasti maha võtta, raha kokku hoida ja asi paremini sobitada.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Gerresa M.
    1. detsember 2020
    See padi aitab hoida teie kaela joondatuna
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    13. november 2020
    Parem öine uni ja mitte enam jäik kael
    Kasutanud juba 7 päeva. Ma tunnen erinevusi. Ma olen 90% küljel magaja ja kannatasin õla- ja kaelavalude all. Proovisin seda padja ja ma s...More
    Kasutanud juba 7 päeva. Ma tunnen erinevusi. Ma olen 90% küljel magaja ja kannatasin õla- ja kaelavalude all. Proovisin seda padja ja ma näen, kuidas see toetab mu kaela paremini. Pärast ühte päeva sellel padjal on mu kael palju parem ja ma võin öelda, et palju parem kaelaasend unes annab mulle parema kaelaasendi, kui ma ei maga. Mu kael ei tunne end nii pingul ega ole nii palju valu. See võtab natuke aega, et harjuda selle kujuga, aga kindlasti ei ärgata jäigana ja see on väärt!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    sherrie l. mcgee
    21. september 2020
    Aitas tema kaela- ta armastab seda
    Kinkisin oma poiss-sõbrale, kes kaebab kaelavalude üle. Ta ütles, et esimene päev oli hea, välja arvatud see, et padi puudutas tema õlgu. Nädal hiljem oli tal shoulde...More
    Kinkisin oma poiss-sõbrale, kes kaebab kaelavalude üle. Ta ütles, et esimene päev oli hea, välja arvatud see, et padi puudutas tema õlgu. Nädal hiljem olid tal õlad vastu padja ja ta armastab padja. Tema kael on palju parem!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    18. september 2020
    Ostetud hinnangute põhjal ja ma olen külg- ja selili magaja. Ma ei ärgata valudega õlgades või kaelas. Olen selle padjaga rahul
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    16. september 2020
    Väga hea kasutus, mulle meeldib
    Mul polnud kunagi head patja, mis oma kaela toetaks, kuni selle toote leidsin. Kas ergonoomika parandas mu und. See pehme kangas muutis mu naha mugavaks...More
    Mul polnud kunagi head patja, mis oma kaela toetaks, kuni selle toote leidsin. Kas ergonoomika parandas mu und. See pehme kangas muutis mu naha mugavaks. Mul on selle üle väga hea meel. Raha väärtus
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    19. juuli 2020
    Eriti tihe põlvepadi
    Väga mugav ja ei võta voodis palju ruumi. Armastan seda
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    1. juuli 2020
    Armastan seda! See padi on
    Armastan seda! See padi on tõhus ja on parandanud mu üldist unekvaliteeti!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Leedi B.
    23. juuni 2020
    valu kaelas – LÄBI
    EI lasknud gaasi välja. Karbist välja võetud reljeef paindunud kaela jaoks. Suurepärane väärtus.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    June 16, 2020
    Good, but not great
    This pillow is just a little too short to give the support I need. My head is tiled slightly the wrong way so I still have neck pain. I'm looking for ...More
    This pillow is just a little too short to give the support I need. My head is tiled slightly the wrong way so I still have neck pain. I'm looking for some kind of 1" memory foam pad to boost it so I can still use it for sleeping on my side.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Denise E. Southwick
    May 15, 2020
    Nice comfortable pillow
    Pillow is smaller than expected. It is very comfortable! It is a little expensive, but worth the price.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    April 23, 2020
    Liking it so far!
    I bought two but decided to keep one so I could revert to my standard pillow if necessary. 4 nights of good sleep and I haven't wanted the pillow I ha...More
    I bought two but decided to keep one so I could revert to my standard pillow if necessary. 4 nights of good sleep and I haven't wanted the pillow I had before. Wish there was a travel size.
    Kas see on kasulik? 1 0
    April 21, 2020
    Great for neck pain relief
    I have sprained my neck several times over the years doing headspins incorrectly and getting whiplash, so the damage is catching up to me. The pillow ...More
    I have sprained my neck several times over the years doing headspins incorrectly and getting whiplash, so the damage is catching up to me. The pillow has been a great aid in my recovery, so I can continue to be active.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Joshua Y.
    April 18, 2020
    Does the job well
    Sleep is much better now due to this pillow!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Ashley W.
    March 30, 2020
    Aitab vähendada minu kaelavalu
    I am very happy I ordered this pillow. My neck no longer feels strained while sleeping and when I wake up. Would definitely recommend this pillow to a...More
    I am very happy I ordered this pillow. My neck no longer feels strained while sleeping and when I wake up. Would definitely recommend this pillow to anyone that says they are having neck pain and have a hard time finding a pillow that helps them. Definitely worth the money.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    March 25, 2020
    Reduced numbness and pain.
    I love this pillow. I’ve had some neck issues and headaches recently and this pillow has made a huge difference. It took a few nights to get used to b...More
    I love this pillow. I’ve had some neck issues and headaches recently and this pillow has made a huge difference. It took a few nights to get used to but now I don’t want to sleep without it!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Douglas P
    March 21, 2020
    This pillow erased my neck pain
    I waited to write this review until after a few weeks passed just to make sure that the pillow actually made a difference in my sleep comfort, and I c...More
    I waited to write this review until after a few weeks passed just to make sure that the pillow actually made a difference in my sleep comfort, and I can honestly say this pillow alone has erased ALL of my neck pain! Even though I have a memory foam bed, because of my broad shoulders I always woke up with a stiff neck. No longer! Get this pillow and if you don't like the indented side pointed toward your shoulders, you can rotate it 180 degrees (not flip it over), and the part that protrudes can point toward your shoulders (the protruded part will fit under your neck when you lay down on your back or side). I also got one of these for my wife and she is loving it too. I can't recommend it enough!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Cruz R.
    February 21, 2020
    Best Pillow
    It’s like sleeping on a marshmallow cloud of comfort.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 15, 2020
    Relieved side sleeping neck pain
    Neck pain is gone. Wish the side sleeping section were a little longer/ Wider. Like so far but not sure how long it is going to hold its shape and hei...More
    Neck pain is gone. Wish the side sleeping section were a little longer/ Wider. Like so far but not sure how long it is going to hold its shape and heights. Don't want to have to buy a new one every few months.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    January 13, 2020
    It is great
    I injoy sleeping with this pillow
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Connie W.
    December 15, 2019
    I suffered for years of nagging neck pain and decided to this pillow after a recommendation from my chiropractor. I immediately realized it was way mo...More
    I suffered for years of nagging neck pain and decided to this pillow after a recommendation from my chiropractor. I immediately realized it was way more comfortable than traditional pillows. After a couple of days, my neck pain was GONE!!! It's been a few months now and still no neck pain. Well worth the price. Thank you SleepDreamPillow!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    blue h.
    November 23, 2019
    Great pillow! It did what it said it would do.
    Neck problems. I have a pulled muscle in my neck on the left side. This pillow has enabled me to sleep. Thank you SleepDreamPillow for sending it in t...More
    Neck problems. I have a pulled muscle in my neck on the left side. This pillow has enabled me to sleep. Thank you SleepDreamPillow for sending it in the time I needed it.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    October 19, 2019
    Nice pillow
    Great pillow,after a couple of days of airing out it seem to be great. Really comfortable.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    October 15, 2019
    Works well
    Have had back and neck problems for years. Used it last night when I noticed pain from wrong position from other special pillow. This pillow corrected...More
    Have had back and neck problems for years. Used it last night when I noticed pain from wrong position from other special pillow. This pillow corrected my position and the pain went away. Very good design, only problem with it. I needs to be aired out for a couple of weeks before use as it has some off gas I am sensitive to. After airing out it is fine. Bought 3 for other family members. Would buy again!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    melissa k.
    September 18, 2019
    Very Good product
    Excellent pillow. Helps with my head/neck alignment.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Colleen K.
    August 24, 2019
    No more awakening to neck pain
    I have a neck condition and this pillow has really helped. If I sleep on my side or back I am well supported. It is a great relief to wake up in the m...More
    I have a neck condition and this pillow has really helped. If I sleep on my side or back I am well supported. It is a great relief to wake up in the morning without neck pain or a headache. I love my new pillow!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    KARIE M.
    August 24, 2019
    Neck pain Relief
    This pillow is a life saver or rather a neck saver ! I was waking up with constant neck and shoulder pain and after one night this pillow has helped r...More
    This pillow is a life saver or rather a neck saver ! I was waking up with constant neck and shoulder pain and after one night this pillow has helped relieve the constant neck pain i was waking up with everyday ! I highly recommend this pillow . I have used other neck pillows before that just wasnt helping anymore and so i searched around and found this one, the best pillow i have ever owned ! Thank you to the ergonomic designers !!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    August 18, 2019
    Physical therapist bought one too!
    When I showed my physical therapist my new pillow, she immediately ordered one herself, that's when you know this pillow was designed right. If you li...More
    When I showed my physical therapist my new pillow, she immediately ordered one herself, that's when you know this pillow was designed right. If you like sleeping on a marshmallow pillow, this is not the pillow for you, but if you prefer a firmer pillow that actually supports your neck, look no further, this pillow will be very comfortable for you.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    August 13, 2019
    Excellent product and service
    My husband and I purchased these pillows as we were suffering neck pain and these pillows helped us! They also have excellent customer service so I hi...More
    My husband and I purchased these pillows as we were suffering neck pain and these pillows helped us! They also have excellent customer service so I highly recommend this company.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    August 12, 2019
    Neck Relief
    I got my husband this pillow for his birthday. About a year and a half ago he had one of his cervical discs in his neck replaced. Since then he still ...More
    I got my husband this pillow for his birthday. About a year and a half ago he had one of his cervical discs in his neck replaced. Since then he still has been in pain every day. He works as a painter so the hard labor every day effects his neck. He also snores... Really bad. I didn't expect this pillow to fix everything completely but it helped more than I could have ever imagined. The snoring has decreased incredibly and he doesn't complain about his neck as much as he used too. So after about a week of him loving his pillow and me laying on it when he goes to work.. I got one too. I had a huge problem with my arms falling asleep at night depending on what side I was sleeping on and now it doesn't happen at all. I can roll over from my back to my side and stay really comfortable. We've only had them for 3 weeks so I can't attest to how they last but just knowing my husband sleeps this much better at night is completely worth it for me.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    June 21, 2019
    Solved my neck pain!!
    I still find it hard to believe but I was in so much neck pain with herniated discs. The very first morning after sleeping on this pillow I could noti...More
    I still find it hard to believe but I was in so much neck pain with herniated discs. The very first morning after sleeping on this pillow I could notice a big improvement and after a few days my pain was 99% better!! I can't recommend it enough!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    June 17, 2019
    Cloud Pillow
    I was having a lot of neck pain and not sleeping right. This pillow after a week has been heaven. NO neck pain and I sleep better!!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Alec D.
    May 25, 2019
    Very supportive
    I have ordered and returned multiple cervical pillows recently. Every time they would arrive I would unpack them and quickly realized that while they ...More
    I have ordered and returned multiple cervical pillows recently. Every time they would arrive I would unpack them and quickly realized that while they were shaped correctly, the memory foam was flimsy and didn't really offer any support. I did some research and read a bunch of reviews and decided to get the SleepDreamPillow cervical pillow. When it arrived I was expecting have the same problem but I was pleasantly surprised. This pillow provides wonderful support and it's firm without feeling hard. The pillow was also a larger than most commercially available cervical pillows . This particular pillow has two orientations, one way for snoring relief and the other for cervical support. I actually find the snoring relief orientation the most comfortable for my body. It's nice to have options though. I highly recommend this product especially for people who have tried other cervical pillows and not been satisfied.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Dana T.
    April 29, 2019
    Immediate improvement in sleep!!
    I saw immediate improvement in sleep!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    M. A.
    April 21, 2019
    Best Pillow Ever
    I got this pillow for my husband who has a previously-injured rotator cuff that frequently flares up. He's slept like a dream since getting this pillo...More
    I got this pillow for my husband who has a previously-injured rotator cuff that frequently flares up. He's slept like a dream since getting this pillow a couple of weeks ago, and his shoulder/back pain is nearly non-existent. He is a back and side sleeper, so this pillow was perfect for him... Perfect for me, too, which is why I "steal" it when he gets up before me. It's comfortable and breathable, stays cool, and the contours help your overall sleeping posture. Fantastic product - I can't recommend it enough.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    Try this if you have neck problems
    Thank you SleepDreamPillow for this pillow!! I bought this pillow after I started having neck pain every morning that would last throughout the day, i...More
    Thank you SleepDreamPillow for this pillow!! I bought this pillow after I started having neck pain every morning that would last throughout the day, it is the best investment I've made for my body! I am a 50/50 sleeper that will shift randomly from sleeping on my back to my sides. With this pillow, I used the side with the "neck ramp," and it's worked really great for my comfort. My neck is comfortably relieved from stiffness, and even when I turned to my sides, it is still supported. The pillow is medium firm but comfortably so, it still molds to you without sacrificing on support. I tried going back to my old pillow and I tossed it out right away! Nope, can't do it, this pillow is here to stay. Get it for your neck!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    I purchased this pillow in hopes that it would help relieve neck pain which I would experience usually right after waking up. It was a little difficul...More
    I purchased this pillow in hopes that it would help relieve neck pain which I would experience usually right after waking up. It was a little difficult to get used to at first, but after a few weeks, I've been sleeping very well and waking up with no neck pain! I would highly recommend this pillow!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    It works
    It works
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    Nice pillow
    A little smaller than I expected it to be, but has definitely helped with my neck problems. I love the feeling of the pillow cradling my head.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Sarah J.
    February 23, 2019
    Game changer!
    Honestly this pillow has been a blessing! I used to get really bad tension headaches and this helps prevent them. I'm converted
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    Love this pillow. I love that I can use it many different ways. I put my silk pillow case on it and it's a match made in heaven for my neck, skin, and...More
    Love this pillow. I love that I can use it many different ways. I put my silk pillow case on it and it's a match made in heaven for my neck, skin, and hair. Love it!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    The best part about this pillow is that it has allowed me to finally sleep better. I am not sure if it is helping my snoring or not yet, but my throat...More
    The best part about this pillow is that it has allowed me to finally sleep better. I am not sure if it is helping my snoring or not yet, but my throat doesn't feel like I have been snoring. That may make sense to those of you who snore. It felt low at first, but I got used to it. Most pillows elevate your head at an unnatural angle. This pillow lifts your head just enough.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    The pillow I've been searching for!
    This is the pillow I've been searching for! The structure and memory foam together provide just the right support for both back sleeping and side slee...More
    This is the pillow I've been searching for! The structure and memory foam together provide just the right support for both back sleeping and side sleeping. It is an excellent product, well designed and well made, and I'm very happy with it.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    This works
    I have a habit of sleeping on my back, although my wife has told me that she has seen me on my sides a lot. I usually wake up with some minor neck pai...More
    I have a habit of sleeping on my back, although my wife has told me that she has seen me on my sides a lot. I usually wake up with some minor neck pain with a major one once in a while. My wife found this for me one day during her daily "browsing" and convinced me to give it a try. Wow, I glad that I did! This pillow is great, and after a week of using this pillow, it has rid me of my neck and shoulder stiffness, what a relief. The neck wedge really worked out some deeper strain I had in my neck and realigned my neck and shoulders. I also enjoy having higher sides so my neck is at the right height when I turn to my sides, unlike my old contour pillow that only has one height. It did take a day or so for me to get used to the pillow before it fitted like an old glove. I highly recommend you to give this pillow a try if you have neck problems.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Kate H.
    February 23, 2019
    This is the pillow I was looking for a long time
    Stiff neck? This will get rid of it. To be honest, I am amazed by this pillow. I've always been bothered by neck issues. My neck is constantly sore an...More
    Stiff neck? This will get rid of it. To be honest, I am amazed by this pillow. I've always been bothered by neck issues. My neck is constantly sore and my work and smartphone usage don't help the issue. This pillow has changed all that and is worth every penny! It provides excellent support for the head and neck, even when I switch to side sleeping. I haven't had anymore stiff neck after sleeping with this, and I urge you to give it a try too!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    Great quality of ergonomic cervical pillow
    I have the sore back and neck issues most of the time, and it affects my quality of sleep. This is a comfortable extra dense pillow. It supports my ne...More
    I have the sore back and neck issues most of the time, and it affects my quality of sleep. This is a comfortable extra dense pillow. It supports my neck well. It is a memory form pillow. It comes with the organic cotton cover. Recommend this nice pillow for my friends.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Eric S.
    February 23, 2019
    Comfortable and supportive
    This pillow has worked out very well for me. It is exactly the right degree of firmness, neither too rigid nor too soft. The Ergonomic Cervical Pillow...More
    This pillow has worked out very well for me. It is exactly the right degree of firmness, neither too rigid nor too soft. The Ergonomic Cervical Pillow holds head shape better, is more comfortable and supportive, lasts longer. Choosing a pillow can be subjective, but the Ergonomic Cervical Pillow performs well as an aid for a comfortable night's sleep.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    It works
    It does work very well
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    C. C
    February 23, 2019
    No more stiff neck
    I've had sore or stiff neck issue for the better part of a year, part of that is work stress, part of that I suspect is not having the right pillow. T...More
    I've had sore or stiff neck issue for the better part of a year, part of that is work stress, part of that I suspect is not having the right pillow. To solve that, I've gone through heavy rotation of pillows and never quite found one I liked until this pillow. The pillow itself is just right, made out of a denser memory foam. It feels well made and should last a long time. However, it's the design and curves that really makes this pillow shine. My neck feels like it's being cradled when I lay on it. It keeps my neck properly aligned so I don't wake up the next morning with a stiff neck. I would definitely recommend this pillow to others, especially those like me who suffered from frequent neck sore!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    So comfy
    It is super comfortable and the quality is amazing. The price is totally worth it. I recommend highly.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    So much better...
    If you have neck discomfort, I highly recommend the Neck Relief Ergonomic Cervical Pillow. I've got whiplash and my neck curves exactly backward from ...More
    If you have neck discomfort, I highly recommend the Neck Relief Ergonomic Cervical Pillow. I've got whiplash and my neck curves exactly backward from the normal curve with my C1 rubbing up against the base of my skull. I've tried feather pillows, contour memory foam pillows, regular memory foam pillows, standard fill pillows and always wake up with a really sore neck. Nothing worked. Chiropractor helps reduce the pain, but not prevent it. After the first time I used this pillow, I noticed that I woke up without a sore neck. It's now been well over a week and that's continued. My husband has even remarked that he's never seen me sleep so well. Anyhow, I just wanted to put this out there for other people who might be on the fence that I think this pillow is totally worth buying. I'm going to get one for my husband who doesn't have neck pain, but snores, as there is a snoring side to this pillow and I'm hoping this helps. *Fingers Crossed* FYI-Mine arrived through Amazon shipping, even though I ordered directly from the website. I thought that was strange, but just be aware yours might too. Maybe it says it somewhere on the website and I just missed it. Regardless, it came quickly.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Susan C.
    February 23, 2019
    Comfort from the get-go!
    You know what it's like when you buy a new pair of shoes and they are comfortable from that day on? That's what this pillow is like. My neck is not bo...More
    You know what it's like when you buy a new pair of shoes and they are comfortable from that day on? That's what this pillow is like. My neck is not bothering me anymore!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Sonia W.
    February 23, 2019
    Can't tell how good it is
    When I got it, I immediately replace my old pillow with this ergonomic design pillow. I usually can't sleep well at night, so a good pillow is very im...More
    When I got it, I immediately replace my old pillow with this ergonomic design pillow. I usually can't sleep well at night, so a good pillow is very important to me. And this is the one helps me a lot. It's really worthy to buy it.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 23, 2019
    Super comfy!
    I bought for my special needs daughter and she loves it!! She has a curve in her spine and this pillows holds her head so well without pushing it up a...More
    I bought for my special needs daughter and she loves it!! She has a curve in her spine and this pillows holds her head so well without pushing it up at an awkward angle.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Zach M.
    February 23, 2019
    Great pillow & great customer service!
    I've had neck and shoulder pain on and off for years. This pillow has definitely helped subdue the pain I would feel when waking up every morning. Whe...More
    I've had neck and shoulder pain on and off for years. This pillow has definitely helped subdue the pain I would feel when waking up every morning. When the pillow was being shipped to me, the carrier lost the package. A SleepDreamPillow support person was quick to get back to me and find out what happened. Larry went above and beyond by checking out the websites linked in my footer and complimenting my work. It meant the world. I definitely recommend you buy the Cervical Pillow from SleepDreamPillow!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 17, 2019
    The Perfect Pillow
    I have sprained my neck several times over the years doing headspins incorrectly and getting whiplash, so the damage is catching up to me. The pillow ...More
    I have sprained my neck several times over the years doing headspins incorrectly and getting whiplash, so the damage is catching up to me. The pillow has been a great aid in my recovery, so I can continue to be active.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 17, 2019
    Great Pillow
    Wish that I’m able to buy another pillow cover or at least send 2 covers.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Kirsten D.
    January 21, 2019
    Love this pillow
    Mõned aastad tagasi sattusin autoõnnetusse, mis põhjustas tõsise piitsalööke. Läksin läbi füsioteraapia, kuid mul on ikka veel juhuslikke episoode kaela pa...More
    Mõned aastad tagasi sattusin autoõnnetusse, mis põhjustas tõsise piitsalööke. Ma läbisin füsioteraapia, kuid mul on ikka veel juhuslikke kaelavalu episoode, mille raskusaste varieerub aastate jooksul. Hiljuti oli mul kõige tugevam kaelavalu ja kõik mu padjad süvendasid probleemi. Ostsin meeleheitest ergonoomilise kaelapadja. Ei olnud palju kommentaare, mida ma leidsin, ja ma olin veidi närvis, et see ei ole raha väärt. Mul on hea meel, et ostsin selle, sest see on mind väga palju aidanud. Ma kasutan ainult kehahoiakupoolt, sest norskamisvastane pool ei ole minu jaoks nii mugav. Mul kulus natuke aega, et harjuda vahuga, kuna olin varem kasutanud sünteetilist untasapatja ja purustatud mäluvahupatjaid. Padjaga kaasas olev kate on pehme ja kergesti pestav. Mulle meeldib, et see tõmbub ümber padja. Üldiselt olen oma ostuga väga rahul. Ma saan öö läbi magada ilma kaelavalu tõttu ärkamata.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    January 13, 2019
    Oh my aching neck!
    The manufacturer of these pillows suggest giving it 2 weeks for your body to adjust to the new support of this MIRACLE pillow. Took me only 2 nights s...More
    The manufacturer of these pillows suggest giving it 2 weeks for your body to adjust to the new support of this MIRACLE pillow. Took me only 2 nights sleep! After waking up with persistent neck aches for the past few months I had to do something. I began researching on line for a pillow that would offer support for my neck whether I slept on my back OR side. I found it! This pillow is amazing! The curve of the head zone, slightly raised sides and center extension provide exactly what I need to support my neck.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Ming T.
    December 28, 2018
    The best pillow I've slept on so far
    This pillow is the same dimension as a standard size bed pillow, it comes with a nice soft cotton pillowcase that you can remove and wash. I didn't no...More
    This pillow is the same dimension as a standard size bed pillow, it comes with a nice soft cotton pillowcase that you can remove and wash. I didn't notice any odor, and once I laid on it, I knew the firmness was perfect for me. I don't like soft pillows that allow my head to sink down or pillows that are so hard that they give me headaches. This one is medium firm and supportive and has really helped my stiff neck a lot. This is the best pillow I've slept on so far.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    December 21, 2018
    One of the best pillows we have ever had
    I got my husband this pillow for his birthday. About a year and a half ago he had one of his cervical discs in his neck replaced. Since then he still ...More
    I got my husband this pillow for his birthday. About a year and a half ago he had one of his cervical discs in his neck replaced. Since then he still has been in pain every day. He works as a painter so the hard labor every day effects his neck. He also snores... Really bad. I didn't expect this pillow to fix everything completely but it helped more than I could have ever imagined. The snoring has decreased incredibly and he doesn't complain about his neck as much as he used too. So after about a week of him loving his pillow and me laying on it when he goes to work.. I got one too. I had a huge problem with my arms falling asleep at night depending on what side I was sleeping on and now it doesn't happen at all. I can roll over from my back to my side and stay really comfortable. We've only had them for 3 weeks so I can't attest to how they last but just knowing my husband sleeps this much better at night is completely worth it for me.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Katelyn E.
    December 20, 2018
    The Perfect Pillow
    This pillow came into my life at the perfect time. I had some vertebrae slip out of alignment and along with my physical therapy, this pillow did wond...More
    This pillow came into my life at the perfect time. I had some vertebrae slip out of alignment and along with my physical therapy, this pillow did wonders. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Erin M.
    December 15, 2018
    Love this pillow
    I have to say I was a little skeptical before I ordered this that it would be like every other pillow I have tried that never worked for my neck pain ...More
    I have to say I was a little skeptical before I ordered this that it would be like every other pillow I have tried that never worked for my neck pain but boy oh boy was I wrong! I get severe migraines and when I don’t sleep correctly it exacerbates my headaches so it’s very important that I sleep with my neck aligned at night. This pillow is not too firm but it’s also not too soft and I like how it has two ways that you can use it. The cover is also nice and soft, love how I can just throw the cover in the wash. Definitely worth the money and I am enjoying it. Thanks!!!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    November 15, 2018
    I sleep with it every night!
    This is a great product. I've not had any issues with my neck or back since using this pillow. Affordable and comfortable.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Maria I.
    May 23, 2018
    very comfortable
    excellent super comfortable!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Lisa Z.
    April 23, 2018
    nice pillow
    I get headaches overnight and this pillow seems to help prevent them most nights so far.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    February 27, 2018
    Tehke oma kaelale teene ja hankige see padi!!!!!
    See on üsna erinev kogemus võrreldes minu külgmagamispadja kasutamisega. Tegelikult meeldib mulle, kuidas see mu pead toetab ja see on minu jaoks õige kõrgusega....More
    See on üsna erinev kogemus võrreldes minu külgmagamispadja kasutamisega. Mulle tegelikult meeldib, kuidas see toetab mu pead ja see on õige kõrgus minu õlgadele, kui ma magan külili - ma olen pöörduja, kuid ma ei tunne palju kaela toetust. Ma käin edasi-tagasi, et loobuda oma padjast . ma arvan, et mulle peab see asi tõesti meeldima, sest ma kasutan seda jätkuvalt. Lol
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    June 19, 0200
    Best neck support!
    I am new to cervical pillows, I thought they looked funny but my friend swears by them and persuaded me to get one. So I chose this one, the best-sell...More
    I am new to cervical pillows, I thought they looked funny but my friend swears by them and persuaded me to get one. So I chose this one, the best-selling one, and another funky looking one with even more contours to find out which one I like best. After 2 weeks to compare the trio, I was surprised by my conclusion. The SleepDreamPillow one was more comfortable, felt like the best memory foam, and was better build out of all three, additionally, it's the cheapest one to boot too! The shape of this pillow matches up perfectly to my head and neck line, giving me the best support. No more neck pain at all. I kept this one and returned the other two. Get this pillow, it's a great value!
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    Michelle S.
    June 14, 0200
    Great pillow
    I have had neck pain for a very long time and havent been able to find a pillow to help with my neck pain....until now. This pillow has helped my neck...More
    I have had neck pain for a very long time and havent been able to find a pillow to help with my neck pain....until now. This pillow has helped my neck pain considerably.
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
    22. oktoober 2020
    Tehke oma kaelale teene ja hankige see padi!!!!!
    See on üsna erinev kogemus võrreldes minu külgmagamispadja kasutamisega. Tegelikult meeldib mulle, kuidas see mu pead toetab ja see on minu jaoks õige kõrgusega....More
    See on üsna erinev kogemus võrreldes minu külgmagamispadja kasutamisega. Mulle tegelikult meeldib, kuidas see toetab mu pead ja see on õige kõrgus minu õlgadele, kui ma magan külili - ma olen pöörduja, kuid ma ei tunne palju kaela toetust. Ma käin edasi-tagasi, et loobuda oma padjast . ma arvan, et mulle peab see asi tõesti meeldima, sest ma kasutan seda jätkuvalt. Lol
    Kas see on kasulik? 0 0
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